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It is strange that after 5 7 years we have not managed to create an emergency access number such as 911 In the US

Others | Dec 16, 2005

SPEEDING to somewhere. Suddenly… .Craaaashhhhhh! Imagine if you were cruising happily along a segregated highway
on an arterial road in Bangalore. Imagine if you were knocked down by a truck rumbling along on the wrong side of the road. I know of two cases that played out like that scenario. The ones who died were very dear friends.
Bangalore has the dubious distinction of being among the country’s worst in
terms of traffic accidents and road deaths.
Dr. Venkaramana not only made up such a list, which included dozens of patients who came into his neurosurgery
clinic, he began to wonder what were the simple solutions that could be initiated to alleviate the situation.
The Comprehensive Trauma Consortium (CTC).

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